ThriveWorking together in Trafford

Case Studies

Working in Partnership for Altrincham Foodbank


In December Altrincham Foodbank benefitted from in-kind support through our business engagement programme to enable them to expand their operation. The Foodbank approached us to ask for support to make an additional storage area for donations.

We worked with partners from the community and business to refit the space. All materials for the project were kindly donated by the Altrincham branch of Travis Perkins and delivered free of charge.

The work was carried out by a local social enterprise, Community Building Support Services (CBSS), who offer a unique combination of vocational training and work experience for people in Trafford who want to get into work.  Learners gain experience of all areas of the building industry and benefit from hands-on work on community projects like the Foodbank.

Hayley from the foodbank commented,
“We are so proud to be part of the Trafford community where individuals and organisations will go the extra mile to help others.”


Case study- Spotlight on Mentoring: Sale Moor Community Partnership and Summerhouse Ltd


Sale Moor Community Partnership (SMCP) is a local charity formed to support the development of the Sale Moor area in Trafford. The charity provides a community base which includes a one stop point of help for residents, a community learning base and youth projects to engage and inspire local young people. The charity also aims to raise the profile of Sale Moor and act as the strategic development agency for the area.

Through the mentoring programme SMCP was partnered with Summerhouses Ltd, a Trafford based enterprise which focuses on supporting organisations to develop. The business offers expert support in executive coaching, business planning, strategic and team development. Both directors of Summerhouses have been involved in the mentoring programme, donating their time and expertise to support community organisations to grow.

Janice has been supporting Sale Moor Community Partnership since October 2012 and brings with her experience of training and facilitation, arts management and international projects. The mentoring relationship has focused on building upon the assets of SMCP by mapping partnerships and influence, visioning exercises and developing an action plan for building relationships. It has also included the personal development of negotiation skills with the manager, Jamie who commented “The professional impact has been immense value in allowing me to reflect on how I operate and how that has an impact on what the organisation is trying to achieve”

As an outcome of the mentoring the ‘people’ resources of SMCP, both internally and externally, are being used to better effect. Both mentor and mentee have gained from the relationship. Mentor Janice commented that she had found the mentoring, “Professionally rewarding and personally enjoyable due to the managers positive engagement with the process, passion for his organisation and openness to change”


Contact us

For more information about any of the employee volunteering programmes above, or for bespoke advice about your CSR programme contact Caroline Lewis.

Email: or

Tel: 0330 123 9766

Twitter: follow us @ThriveTrafford